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Build onchain

workflows with

Free Market

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Thomas McInerney

Small Business

July 24, 2022


In order to onboard the next generation of users and builders to Web3, we need a faster way to build and iterate on the user journey, and create an experience that extends beyond simple function calls within a dedicated environment. This includes expanding on existing primitives, such as lending and leveraging permissionless liquidity, as well as creating entirely new use cases like token-gated access through NFTs.

Web3 today 

With the growing complexity of the dev stack in crypto, new features to improve the user experience (UX) take a backseat to the increasing demands of development teams. As a result, users are still juggling their own workflows and trying to figure out the best path to their desired outcomes. We know that resources are limited, and the upcoming appchain, interoperability, and roll-up ecosystems will make it even harder. Web2 innovators are currently lost trying to build a team, let alone execute production-ready integrations. Builders across the board are resource-strapped, yet full of ideas.

How to Solve These Problems

To onboard new users and builders to crypto, we need to start abstracting as much as possible while leveraging the advantages of blockchain technology. One of the most important developments for new users is the UX improvements afforded by Account Abstraction. To build on this, developers should start aggregating functionality into purpose-built workflows that mimic the functionality of centralized platforms and complex use cases.

In addition, a focus on interoperability can abstract the need to manage liquidity and determine the best chains to deploy on. Combining services like LayerZero and Gelato under the hood can make this effortless for the end user and allow them to focus on their end goals without worrying about bridging, gas, or liquidity. Platforms like Lit Protocol can provide token-gated access control to get new users into crypto with NFTs.

With battle-tested, reusable, and modular integrations, developers can focus on their core product, save time and money on security, and avoid getting locked into a single ecosystem.

How we are solving the problem

Free Market is a platform that allows you to build and manage on-chain workflows. Serving as an orchestration layer, the platform enables builders to quickly build and iterate on user journeys and complex actions, while the protocol serves as an on-chain engine for executing these journeys. We believe that the next generation of developers will be energized by tools they are familiar with and will be able to onboard their large user bases without needing to worry about the underlying technical details.

What's Next for Free Market?

Here's a sneak peek at our upcoming Studio product. Reach out here for a demo:

Our Predictions:

  • Interop platforms like LayerZero become critical and core infrastructure for all developers, whether abstracted through partners or direct integrations. This enables connections across environments purpose-built for a particular step in the user journey, whether it's Ethereum for asset liquidity, Polygon for NFTs, or app chains for GameFi.

  • App chains are becoming increasingly important and are often the first foray into Web3 for legacy companies. These companies will typically build in a gated environment and then add on features from existing primitives and established players like Aave and Uniswap.

  • Fragmented liquidity comes together through platforms like Stargate, where liquidity management is abstracted and unified in a single step. Builders rely heavily on developer tooling such as Free Market to orchestrate and build their UX in ways we haven’t seen before in DeFi and beyond.

Check us out:





Thomas McInerney

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